Allied Arts Council continues its tradition of offering public art with the 8th annual St. Joseph Sculpture Walk!
You may notice some new sights in Downtown St. Joseph beginning on June 1 as the new sculptures begin to arrive for the 2021-2022 Sculpture Walk! You are sure to notice “My Moai” for one. This mixed metal sculpture was created by Dale Lewis who drew his inspiration from the statues on Easter Island. The Allied Arts Council, in partnership with the City of St. Joseph and the St. Joseph Downtown Community Improvement District, sponsors this annual visual arts project. Everyone is invited to join the “First Walk” following the opening reception on Wednesday, June 9. Walkers will meet at the corner of 8th and Felix.
It’s not too late to see the 2020-2021 sculptures, but they will start disappearing on May 15! However, they don’t have to go anywhere if one of them speaks to you. “Yoga”, a truly whimsical piece with a Zen vibe, is one of the sculptures available for purchase and what a statement piece it would make in anyone’s garden. If you are interested in “Yoga” or any of the current sculptures, just contact the Allied Arts office for details.
The Sculpture Walk is a year-long exhibit of juried, outdoor sculptures in Downtown St. Joseph. This year’s 21 sculptures feature stunning works of art created by artists from across North America, including pieces by Missouri sculptors. Viewers of the sculpture walk are encouraged to vote for their favorite sculpture by completing the ballot found in the walking tour brochure and dropping it off in one of the ballot boxes downtown or by dropping it off at the Allied Arts office, 118 S. 8th Street.
This Allied Arts Council program is made possible through a partnership with the City of St. Joseph, the St. Joseph Downtown Community Improvement District, business sponsors, and Friends of the Sculpture Walk.
For more information visit the Allied Arts Council’s website, www.stjoearts.org, or contact Teresa Fankhauser at teresa.fankhauser@stjoearts.org, or 816-233-0231.
The Allied Arts Council was organized in 1963 to provide service to St. Joseph area arts organizations, artists, and the general public. The Council has since grown into a federation of sixteen arts agencies and now produces community arts programs, raises funds, promotes public awareness, and provides service and support to its member agencies. The Allied Arts Council seeks to make St. Joseph a better place to live through the arts, and its mission is to provide leadership and support for the arts and to its member organizations.
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