813 West Highland Ave, St. Joseph, MO 64505
Explore the Missouri River Bluff like never before on St. Joseph’s newest trail system: River Bluff Trails Park. This network of multi-use and singletrack trails run through the natural topography of the bluffs in ways you have never experienced before. Enjoy a thrilling ride by weaving in and out of trees, over jumps, and around rocks to spectacular views that overlook the river valley. Featured at the heart of the system, visitors will find old, stone WPA buildings where you can gather with your crew for a snack break before you hit the trails again. Come see us at the #RiverBluffTrails
TikTok – @RiverBluffTrailsPark
Instagram – @riverblufftrailspark
Twitter – @RiverBluffPark
Facebook – @RiverBluffTrailsPark
Categorized in: Sports & Recreation