Join the City of St. Joseph is the ribbon-cutting and grand opening of NW Missouri’s newest mountain biking and hiking destination! At 4:00 PM, join us at the WPA shelters near the top of the trail system for the official ribbon cutting with City staff, the parks department, City Council, Nomad Trails Development, Ideker Inc., and many more influential people and groups who helped make this trail system a reality. Limited parking will be available near the water towers on Huntoon Road. Other parking will be available at the Remington Nature Center.
Following the ribbon-cutting, shaved ice will be available for purchase from Taste of Aloha in the Remington Nature Center parking lot. Wheels Up, a mountain bike coach and clinic team, will have ramps, teeter-totters, and airbags for bikers to test their skills on also near the nature center.
513 W. Highland Ave, St. Joseph, MO 64505