*This event was originally slated for January 23, but moved to January 25 because of weather.*
Tuesday Night Talks (TNT) is a weekly lecture series, taking place in January and February, covering all facets of 1800’s life and the history of St. Joseph, MO. Doors open at 6:15pm – Speakers begin at 7pm – All talks held at Pony Express Museum Community Room.
1-23-24 – “Master Builders and St. Joseph’s Early Architecture” by Ron Auxier, Retired Principal Architect
1-30-24 – “National Parks in a Wooden Boat” by Greg Hatten, Explorer & Consultant
2-6-24 – “Dinosaurs, Mammoths & Hominids…Oh My!” by Sarah Elder, Executive Director, Remington Nature Center
2-13-24 – “Apple Blossom: Our Annual Rite of Spring for 100 Years” by Ken Rosenauer, President, Apple Blossom
2-20-24 – “Reminiscent Stories of the Pony Express” by Joseph K. Houts, Jr., Pony Express Board of Directors
2-29-24 – “Research into the Harry L. George Ethnographic Collection” by Dr. Robert Corder